Solutions Group
AI Solutions Experts

AI Solutions Experts

20+ years experience in architecting, engineering, and implementing complex AI and machine learning solutions.

An innovative, AI-powered, fully automated asset management firm with zero employees.
Over 4+ years, MSAI has out outperformed the S&P 500 with 1/3 the downside risk.

A cutting-edge AI legal platform that merges traditional eDiscovery methodology with the latest advancements in AI technology creating the future of eDiscovery.

A virtual AI Solutions expert that combines Customer Support, Technical Support, Warranty & RMA, and Sales into a single AI Agent. Vivi is where the convergence of the customer experience happens.
The Power Of AI

AI & modern automation tools have an incredible ability to optimize workforces and call centers:
- Far More Cost-Efficient
- Personalized Responses
- Extremely Scalable
- Reduced Workforce Liability
- 24/7 Availability
- Greatly Improved Time to Resolution
- Consistent Responses
Kinetic Solutions Group-Industries

We design, engineer and implement custom workforce automation solutions for Enterprise-scale clients across a variety of industries
Large Equipment Manufacturers
Oil & GAS
Call Centers
AI Services

- AI Agent – Customer & Technical Support
- AI Accounting & Financial Services
- Custom AI Integration
- Data Security
- Near ShoringÂ

Our Mission

Kinetic Solutions Group uniquely delivers an integrated fusion of human & AI solutions – a true hybrid support model.
Engineered with top-down proficiency, our solutions are customized, scalable, turnkey, and highly secure.
Executive Team

Phil Grace
Tech industry veteran & entrepreneur. Founded, grew and sold a successful tech company before transitioning to investments

Russ Scaramella
Proven entrepreneur with track record in real estate, oil and gas, and the restaurant industries.

Tobin Leslie
Proven track record in driving revenue growth and fostering strategic partnerships, with a wealth of deal making experience.